Tips to Keep Your Preventive Care on Track

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Tips to Keep Your Preventive Health on Track

March 31, 2020 | Tags: Wellness Preventive Care

Many adults miss out on preventive screenings covered by their health plans at little or no out-of-pocket cost. These screenings identify and reduce your risk for diseases and certain chronic conditions. That’s why getting screened regularly is worth a lifetime of good health.

It’s easy to lose track of the preventive services we need now, especially if you’re feeling healthy. However, staying on top of these services and understanding your health plan benefits will help you maintain or possibly improve your health.

The following tips can help you stay on track to manage your preventive health:

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Learn which screenings you need

Each year at your annual checkup, talk to your primary care provider (PCP) about any upcoming screenings you need based on your age, gender and health history. For example, common screenings for adults age 65 and older include cervical cancer, breast cancer, colorectal cancer and fasting blood sugar. Annual preventive dental and vision exams are also recommended and critical to your overall health. Resources like the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) offer online tools to help you identify screenings you may need based on your demographics.

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Confirm your health plan coverage

Ask your PCP if the services you need are preventive. For example, if you’re not experiencing any symptoms of a certain illness or following up on any previous care, preventive services with an in-network provider are often covered at no additional cost. That being said, always double check to make sure your health plan covers the services you are requesting. If you are a Medical Mutual member, confirm your coverage by logging onto My Health Plan, our secure member website, or by calling the Customer Care number listed on your member ID.

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Take charge of follow-up care

After your appointment, find out when you will receive your screening results. If your PCP doesn’t call you with the results, call their office and ask if the results are available. If you don’t understand the results, ask your PCP or nurse to explain them to you. Then, be sure to mark down when you’re due for your next screenings. You can set reminders on your phone or mark them down on a calendar. Staying on top of your preventive care makes all the difference in your health.

Need More Information?

Please talk to your doctor. If you are a Medical Mutual member and don't already have a primary care physician, use our online tool to find an in-network doctor near you.

Provider Search Tool

Sources: American Public Health Association, the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

The material provided is for your information only. It does not take the place of your doctor’s advice, diagnosis or treatment. You should make decisions about your care with your doctor. What is covered by your health insurance will be based on your specific benefit plan.