Wellness Programs
Medical Mutual Individual and Family plans include additional perks and programs that are designed to help you feel your best, all at no additional cost.

Wellness Programs
Wellness Rewards Program
Earn up to $100 in reward cards for completing health and wellness activities like an annual provider and preventive care visit¹.
Programs to Help Manage Chronic Conditions
Work with a trained health coach to develop a personalized plan that helps you manage your chronic conditions and supplements the care you receive from your doctor.
Quitline Program
Work with a coach one-on-one to create a personalized tobacco quit plan.
Case Management Program
Get personalized advice and assistance if you are dealing with a serious illness or injury.
Maternity Program
If a new baby is on the way, members can download our MedMutual Maternity app. It features a variety of resources and tools to help pregnant people and their families prepare for a baby’s arrival and also includes health reminders and educational content for parents with children up to age 2.
To help members focus on eating healthier, increasing movement, losing weight and developing a positive mindset, Medical Mutual offers a discount of almost 50% on a WeightWatchers membership. Our members and their covered dependents ages 18 and older can participate.
Additional Plan Features
Meet with a provider virtually through your mobile device or computer. Your doctor can diagnose common illnesses and prescribe medications, as well as answer your medical questions.
Healthy Outlooks Newsletter
Stay up-to-date with articles on important health issues, as well as tips that help you benefit from the discounts and programs available through your Medical Mutual Individual and Family plan.
Health Mailings and Reminders
Based on your claims, prescriptions and Health Assessment results, you will receive educational materials about specific medical conditions and lifestyle issues, as well as reminders about missed services and recommended preventive screenings.
Wellness Portal
Be the healthiest you can be by visiting our Wellness Portal. Here you'll have access to articles, videos and interactive tools to help you learn more about your health and well-being, manage your health conditions and set personal goals.
Ready to Shop?
Use our online enrollment tool to get an instant quote, call us at 1-844-583-3072 or call your licensed insurance agent. You can also request an in-person or virtual appointment to meet with a sales agent one-on-one.
1You have from January 1st through October 31st to complete activities and earn rewards. All activities including your Annual Provider Visit and Preventive Care Visit must take place between these dates under your Medical Mutual policy. Only the contract holder and spouse/domestic partner are eligible to participate and earn rewards. You must be 18 or older to participate in this program.
2On-demand telemedicine is not available in the CLE-Care HMO Individual network or offered at a $0 copay on HSA plans in the Northern Ohio, OhioHealth and Southern Ohio HMOs.
WW is a registered trademark of WW International, Inc.
Would you like to see if you qualify for financial assistance?
You may qualify to receive a subsidy, which is a tax credit that lowers your monthly premium. Check to see if you're eligible for these savings!