Aon Benefit Experience
The health and well-being of Ohioans is our top priority at Medical Mutual. We offer high-quality health plans with access to the doctors and hospitals you know and trust, along with prescription drug coverage, health and wellness perks and programs, and more. We give you peace of mind and help you live a healthier lifestyle, so you can enjoy life's best moments.

Already a Member?
Log in to My Health Plan, your personal, secure and convenient member website, to get the most out of your health benefits plan. Search “MedMutual” in the Apple App Store® or Google Play™ to download the app.
Why Medical Mutual?
Medical Mutual is the official health insurer of everything you love. Watch this video to learn more about who we are and all the benefits you’ll enjoy as a Medical Mutual member.
We’re Here to Help
Have a question or need more information? Our Customer Care Specialists can help.
Call 1-800-677-8028
- Monday - Thursday - 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. ET
- Friday - 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET
- Saturday - 9 a.m. to 1 pm. ET
Our Provider Network
Our SuperMed PPO® network covers 88 counties in Ohio and three counties in Kentucky (Boone, Campbell and Kenton). If you travel or have a college student who lives outside of the SuperMed PPO® network, don’t worry. You’ll also have access to our national provider network, Cigna, who we have collaborated with which allows you to access care wherever you are.
Our MedMutual Find a Provider tool makes it easy to find in-network providers and facilities near you. Search by name, specialty, location and more. You can even estimate your costs before you schedule an appointment or procedure so you understand how costs may impact your annual deductible and out-of-pocket spending.
Already a member? Visit My Health Plan.
Our Prescription Drug Coverage
- Search our 2025 formulary to learn which prescription drugs are covered for the 2025 plan year.
- Find an in-network pharmacy near you.
- See which preventive care medications are included in your preventive care benefits.
Other Member Benefits and Resources
My Health Plan, our member website and mobile app, puts you in control of your health and health plan. It makes it easy to manage your plan and take advantage of member benefits, including:
Total Health™ - A total package of comprehensive clinical programs that utilize leading-edge best practices and healthcare solutions to support you through every stage in life.
WeightWatchers®– Enjoy almost 50% off standard program rates.
- Programs to Help Manage Chronic Conditions - Trained health coaches can provide personalized support at no additional charge to help you manage a chronic condition such as asthma, diabetes and more.
- 24/7 Nurse Line – Enjoy peace of mind with around-the-clock guidance and answers to your health questions from registered nurses at no additional cost to you. They can also help you decide the best place to receive care based on your own situation.
- QuitLine – Give up tobacco use with one-on-one coaching and a supply of nicotine replacement therapy at no charge.
- Fitness/Wellness Discounts – Save money on fitness club memberships, exercise equipment, and other products and services to help you live a healthier lifestyle.
- MedMutual Resource Connect – We make it easy to find free and reduced-cost social services that can help you with food, transportation, medical care, financial support, job training and more. There’s no charge to use this search tool, and we won’t share your search with your employer.
New Medical Mutual members may register for My Health Plan as soon as they’ve received their member ID card. Learn more about My Health Plan and how to get started.
New! Starting Jan. 1, 2025, you’ll have access to SmartShopper, a program that helps you save on over 70 routine medical procedures. SmartShopper makes it easy to compare costs before you schedule a procedure. Choose a lower-cost option to save on out-of-pocket costs and earn up to $750 in cash rewards!
- There is no additional cost to you.
- SmartShopper is convenient and easy to use.
- You’ll receive the same high-quality care no matter which in-network provider you choose.
Transition of Care Information
If your current provider is not in our comprehensive provider network, and you are in the middle of receiving active care, you may qualify for a transitional care waiver.
A transitional care waiver provides a short grace period so you can continue receiving services with an out-of-network provider until care is completed and/or transitioned to a Medical Mutual in-network provider. Situations that may be eligible for a transitional care waiver may include a late trimester pregnancy, active cancer treatment, a recent surgery, etc. Each request for a transitional care waiver will be individually evaluated.
If your provider is not part of Medical Mutual’s provider network, and you think you qualify for transitional care, call a Medical Mutual Customer Care Specialist at 1-800-677-8028. Or ask your current provider to complete and submit our Transition of Care Waiver Request form.
Note: Submitting a Transition of Care Waiver Request form does not guarantee transitional care will be approved.
Read our terms and conditions here.
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